My Husband Dubbed Me Useless in the Kitchen, So I Skillfully Proved Him Wrong

Ethan criticizes Amanda’s cooking and calls her worthless in the kitchen, but she’s had enough. Determined to prove him wrong, she devises a secret plan. But how will this housewife turn the tables on her husband, who has been dismissive of her efforts all these years?

I placed the lasagna on the table and took a deep breath.

“Dinner’s ready,” I called out, trying to sound cheerful.

Ethan walked into the kitchen, already looking unimpressed. He sat down and picked up his fork, stabbing it into the lasagna.


I watched as he took a bite, chewed for a moment, then spat it out. “This is disgusting. Why can’t you cook like your sister? Her meals are amazing! And yours are disgusting.”

His words cut through me like a knife.

“You’re worthless in the kitchen, Amanda!” he spat.

I felt my cheeks burn with shame and anger. It wasn’t the first time Ethan had criticized my cooking.

In our ten years of marriage, he never missed a chance to remind me of my supposed shortcomings. Every meal was a test I always seemed to fail.

I tried to hold back tears as I looked at him. “I worked hard on this, Ethan,” I said softly.

“Working hard doesn’t mean anything if the result is still terrible,” he snapped back. “Olivia could make this in her sleep, and it would taste ten times better.”

My sister Olivia was a professional chef, and Ethan never let me forget it. Every meal she made was perfect in his eyes, a constant reminder of my failures.

Humiliation and hurt built up inside me, and I realized I had had enough. I couldn’t keep living like this, constantly under his critical eye.

That night, as I lay in bed, an idea formed in my mind. It was time to turn the tables and show him he was wrong about me.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow, the plan would begin.

The next afternoon, I drove to Olivia’s house, my heart pounding with nervous energy. I needed her help, and I hoped she would understand.

“Hey, Amanda!” Olivia greeted me warmly as I stepped into her cozy home. “What’s up?”

“Can we talk?” I asked.

We sat down in her living room, and I took a deep breath and explained everything.

“Ethan’s been criticizing my cooking for years, always comparing me to you. Last night, he crossed the line. I think he does it on purpose to humiliate me. I know my meals are good. I have a plan to teach him a lesson, and I need your help.”

Olivia listened intently, her brow furrowed in concern. “What do you need me to do?”

“I want to cook every meal myself but package them as yours. I’ll save the money Ethan pays for the ‘professional’ meals. This way, I’ll prove to him that my cooking is just as good.”

Olivia smiled, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “You know what, Amanda? I think it’s a brilliant idea. Let’s teach him a lesson.”

“Thank you, Olivia. I couldn’t do this without you.”

“You don’t need to thank me, sis. That’s what family’s for!”

So, we spent the next hour planning. I would cook the meals at home and then bring them to Olivia’s house to package. She would help with any adjustments to make the presentation perfect.

“How much are you thinking of charging him?” Olivia asked as I sipped my tea.

I hesitated, then decided on a number that felt right. “How about $750 a month?”

Olivia nodded. “Sounds fair. He’ll think he’s getting a steal for my ‘amazing’ cooking.”

I smiled, feeling content.

Later that evening, I presented the idea to Ethan.

“Olivia agreed to cook for us,” I said. “It’ll cost $750 a month, but I think it’s worth it. You don’t like my cooking, so I thought it would be the best way for both of us.”

To my surprise, Ethan’s eyes lit up with excitement. “That’s fantastic! Her meals are worth every penny!”

“Right,” was all I could reply.

Over the next several months, our dining room turned into a stage for my secret plan. Every night, I’d whip up delicious dishes and then package them as Olivia’s gourmet creations.

“This is incredible!” Ethan said one night as he ate the pasta I’d made. “Olivia really knows her stuff.”

Every compliment felt like a small victory. Ethan devoured my meals, blissfully unaware he was praising my cooking.

With each dish, my confidence soared, and cooking became fun again, not just a chore.

Meanwhile, I saved every dollar Ethan paid for the “professional” meals, stashing it away like a treasure. That money would help me later.

One evening, as Ethan wolfed down a plate of my homemade lasagna, I couldn’t help but grin. “I’m glad you like it,” I said, barely containing my laughter.

“Like it? I love it!” he replied, completely oblivious.

The months flew by, and Ethan’s nightly praises became routine.

Then, one day, as I stirred a pot of soup, inspiration struck. I’d throw a dinner party to unveil my secret. I could already picture Ethan’s face when he learned he had been enjoying my cooking the whole time.

I chuckled to myself. This was going to be epic. I was ready for the big reveal, to show Ethan the woman he had underestimated for so long.

That weekend, I invited Ethan’s closest friends and family, including Jackson and Madison. The guests would start arriving at 7 p.m.

I was in the kitchen, preparing a lavish spread of Ethan’s favorite dishes.

As I chopped vegetables and stirred sauces, I couldn’t help but reflect on the past year. I’d grown so much, both as a cook and as a person.

The confidence I had gained was a far cry from the nervous wife who once dreaded meal times.

Jackson and Madison arrived early to help set up everything.

Jackson walked into the kitchen and gave me a playful nudge. “Smells amazing in here, Amanda. Need any help?”

“Just set the table and make sure everything looks perfect,” I said, smiling. “Tonight’s going to be special.”

Madison joined in, arranging flowers and lighting candles. “I can’t wait for the big reveal,” she said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

I looked around the dining room, feeling a surge of pride. Everything was coming together beautifully. The table was set, the food was nearly ready, and the atmosphere was warm and inviting.

As I placed the final dish on the table, I turned to Jackson and Madison. “Thank you both for helping. I can’t wait for Ethan to realize what’s been happening.”

Jackson laughed. “He’s going to flip when he finds out.”

Madison nodded. “He’ll finally see how amazing you are.”

As the guests arrived, the aroma of my dishes filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere.

We gathered around the dining table, where a spread of Ethan’s favorite dishes awaited: roasted chicken, roasted vegetables, garlic bread, and a decadent chocolate cake for dessert.

“This is fantastic!” Jackson exclaimed, taking another bite of the roasted chicken while we all sat around the table. “You really outdid yourself, Amanda!”

Ethan nodded, a smug smile on his face. “Amanda was smart to hire a professional chef. Worth every penny!”

As I listened to the guests praising the food, I knew it was time. I stood up, my heart pounding, and clinked my glass to get everyone’s attention.

“Thank you all for coming tonight. I hope you’re enjoying the meal,” I said.

Cheers and nods came from around the room. I smiled, feeling the anticipation build. “I have a little something for Ethan,” I said, handing him an envelope.

Ethan looked puzzled as he opened it.

Inside was a collection of recipes, each one with the same heading: “Homemade by Amanda.” His face went pale as he realized what it meant.

“Wait, these… you made all this by yourself?” he stammered, looking up at me.

“Yes, Ethan,” I said, holding my head high. “I’ve been cooking every meal you’ve praised this past year. I just packaged them as Olivia’s to see if you’d finally appreciate my cooking.”

The room fell silent, and then laughter and applause erupted. Jackson slapped Ethan on the back. “Looks like you’ve been eating Amanda’s amazing cooking all along!”

Ethan’s face turned beet red. “I… I’m sorry, Amanda,” he said, standing up. “I guess I was jealous of your sister’s success and took it out on you. It was unfair, and I see that now. Can you forgive me?”

I smiled. “Of course, Ethan. But let this be a lesson. Oh, and do you want to know what happened to the money you’ve been paying for the meals? I’ve booked a luxurious spa retreat for myself,” I announced.

Jackson whistled. “Smart move, Amanda!”

Madison clapped her hands. “You deserve it!”

The guests cheered, clearly impressed. The night ended on a high note, with everyone enjoying the meal and celebrating. My lasagna became Ethan’s favorite dish, and from that day on, he appreciated every meal I made.

Sometimes, you have to get a little creative to teach someone a lesson they’ll never forget. And I have no regrets. He learned his lesson, I got a well-deserved break, and our marriage is stronger than ever.

What would you have done?


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