It’s been a rough few years for Simon Cowell

It’s been a rough few years for Simon Cowell, but he’s now confirmed what we all suspected about his son. I don’t care what you think about the man himself, but this must have been an extremely hard decision.

Simon Cowell is widely recognized in the music industry for his talent and business acumen, which has led him to earn millions throughout his career.

If it weren’t for this man and his reality shows that find music talents, we might not have known about One Direction or Kelly Clarkson.

Simon began his professional journey in the music industry in the 1980s, but gained widespread recognition in 2001 as a judge on Pop Idol. Due to the show’s success, he expanded his reach by creating The X Factor and Got Talent franchises, which have become immensely popular worldwide.

He was named one of the 100 most influential people in the entire world two times, in 2004 and 2010.


In the past couple of years, the business tycoon experienced a lot of hardships. He encountered two accidents. Initially, he tumbled down the stairs, and later he sustained a serious back injury from an electric scooter mishap.

After the frightening incident that caused him harm and required him to have surgery on his back, the musician and producer attempted to alert people about the risks associated with electric bikes. He described his own bike as essentially a motorcycle with an electric motor, necessitating the use of a sturdy helmet and protective gear. He admitted that he was unaware of its immense power until he actually rode it, resulting in him being propelled several feet into the air and landing on his spine.


In terms of his personal life, we know that this remarkable man is a strong advocate for various charities and has a deep love for animals. Simon has been in a relationship with his long-time girlfriend, Lauren Silverman, since 2013. Their relationship caused controversy as they allegedly began dating while Lauren was still married to Simon’s close friend, Andrew Silverman.

In 2014, the couple welcomed son Eric.

Cowell expressed to Hello Magazine that meeting Lauren and becoming a father was the most amazing event in his life.

Having kids at my age is challenging, but also rewarding. Working hard makes me wonder about the purpose of it all, but meeting someone like him makes everything meaningful.


Simon earned $600 million from his shows and business skills, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Eric won’t be inheriting his father’s fortune because Simon thinks his son should build his own wealth.

Simon mentioned to The Mirror that he plans to donate his money to charity, most likely to help children and dogs. He believes in giving opportunities to others rather than passing wealth down through generations. Simon emphasized the importance of helping people succeed and sharing knowledge with them.


Simon and Eric share many similarities and love spending ample time with each other. Their proud father mentions that they both adore Scooby Doo and take pleasure in watching Disney movies together.

The judge from America’s Got Talent said, “He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love him.”

Eric was given the name of Simon’s late father, Eric Selig Phillip Cowell, who passed away in 1999.

Ian Lawrence/GC Images

Simon Cowell built a vast empire.

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