Am I a Bad Mother for Kicking My Pregnant Daughter Out?

My tale has so many twists and turns I am so entangled in them, I don’t even know where to begin! I thought my daughter was on the right path going to college when she told me she was expecting! After accepting that spanner in the works, my child did something so bad that it forced my hand!

A surprised woman holding a gift bag | Source: Freepik

A surprised woman holding a gift bag | Source: Freepik

Hi everyone, I am Ella, and my daughter, Rose is 19 this year. I have a bit of a difficult tale to share and I want to know what everyone thinks. So, my teenage daughter has been with her boyfriend, Nathan, 20, for a year.

Okay, I am not going to lie, as a single parent who’s seen it and done it all, I had my reservations about Nathan. However, I was pleasantly surprised when he turned out to be a decent guy. I found myself warming up to him and seeing him as my second child in his own way.

A teenage couple sharing a kiss | Source: Pexels

A teenage couple sharing a kiss | Source: Pexels

Now I wasn’t too happy when I discovered something I didn’t want for her at that age. One day she came home to me and said, “Mom, I have to tell you something but you need to promise me that you won’t be upset.”

Of course, I already had my backup hearing that sentence. My mind started playing out all sorts of scenarios and I kicked myself for allowing Nathan to worm his way into my heart! I even blamed myself for letting my guard down with him.

Don’t ask me how, but I somehow knew he was involved in whatever my daughter wanted to share!

A worried woman staring into space | Source: Pexels

A worried woman staring into space | Source: Pexels

But, trying to be a good parent, all my misgivings didn’t show on my face. I calmly replied, “What is it baby, you know you can tell me anything?” Sighing and taking a deep breath, she shyly said:

“I am pregnant with Nathan’s baby. You’re going to be a grandmother.”

A woman holding a positive pregnancy test | Source: Pexels

A woman holding a positive pregnancy test | Source: Pexels

I was SO shocked! It hadn’t crossed my mind as a possibility for some reason. I mean, Rose was a baby herself but now she was going to be a mother! Disappointment passed through me as I imagined how much her life would change.

I envisioned all the things she would struggle with now that her college education would need to be put on hold.

I worried her education would have to be dropped entirely depending on what she and Nathan planned to do. Seeing the worry in my eyes, my daughter reassured me:

“I know you wanted me to secure my future first, but this baby and Nathan are a big part of it.”

An unhappy-looking woman holding her tilted head | Source: Pexels

An unhappy-looking woman holding her tilted head | Source: Pexels

She promised me that everything was going to be okay. So I yielded to the joy that came with the realization that I would be welcoming a grandchild soon! I got up and hugged her, congratulating her and Nathan. Pulling away, Rose then said:

“Um, I have another surprise for you.”

This time she held out her left hand and on it was a ring on her wedding ring finger!

“He proposed Mommy and I said ‘Yes!’” Seeing how serious Nathan was about my daughter and her future allowed the waterworks to come! I was so happy for my baby girl!

A woman showing off her engagement ring | Source: Pexels

A woman showing off her engagement ring | Source: Pexels

As much as I had reservations, I couldn’t help but get excited in the days that followed. There was so much to be happy about, their marriage and the arrival of my first grandchild! I was so invested in their lives that I allowed them to live in my house.

In the meantime, Nathan worked on making a solid foundation for his new family.

The lucky couple even got a dedicated room in my house for the baby’s nursery. We decorated it together and that was so much fun! However, life in my small, usually serene house took a dramatic turn one fateful afternoon.

A cot in a baby's nursery | Source: Pexels

A cot in a baby’s nursery | Source: Pexels

I returned home earlier than usual, my arms laden with discount shopping from the local store. The things I bought were preparation for my soon-to-arrive grandchild. But little did I know that the quiet of the day was about to shatter before me.

I walked into the kitchen with a bounce in my step but then I saw Rose. She was dressed only in her delicate lingerie. Her shocked expression matched the pace of my sinking heart which appeared to know something was wrong long before I did.

“Mom! What—what are you doing home so early?” Rose stammered, her voice quivering.

A young woman reacting in shock | Source: Unsplash

A young woman reacting in shock | Source: Unsplash

Before I could reply, a deep, unfamiliar voice called out from the hallway, “Babe, who are you talking to?” The casual intimacy of the call was a knife twisting in my gut as I realized it wasn’t Nathan!

The diapers and other things dropped from my hands when I finally noticed that Rose was holding two steaming cups of coffee. What I experienced that day still has my hands shaking from what I saw…

Baby booties and a bottle | Source: Pixabay

Baby booties and a bottle | Source: Pixabay

“I thought I’d surprise you with these,” I said, gesturing to the mess at my feet, my voice catching. “But it seems I’m the one surprised.” Heart pounding, I moved towards the voice, past Rose who was now pleading, “Mom, please, let me explain!”

Ignoring her, I pushed open the bedroom door to reveal an unknown man, wrapped in the bedsheet that had been a gift from Nathan’s mother!

A man looking at a phone while covered in a sheet in bed | Source: Freepik

A man looking at a phone while covered in a sheet in bed | Source: Freepik

“What is going on here, Rose?” My voice was steel, my demand for an answer hanging heavy in the air. The man stood up, trying to appear respectable, which only fueled my growing fury.

“I’m so sorry, ma’am. I didn’t realize—” he started, his eyes darting nervously.

“Out!” I cut him off sharply. He didn’t hesitate, slipping past me, a ghost of regret in his hurried escape.

An upset woman gesturing to someone | Source: Freepik

An upset woman gesturing to someone | Source: Freepik

Rose was sobbing now, her makeup a smeared mask of her betrayal. “Mom, it was a mistake. I was just… it was nothing. Please, don’t tell Nathan. Please!” she pleaded with me.

“How can you say ‘it was nothing’? You betray everything we’ve built for you, for this family!” I yelled, feeling the sting of tears.

“You’ve not only lied to Nathan but to everyone. This house, this room—we prepared this for your future, for your child’s future!”

An upset woman reacting to someone with her fists clenched | Source: Freepik

An upset woman reacting to someone with her fists clenched | Source: Freepik

But the image of her in the arms of another man, in the very home where we had painted dreams together, hardened my resolve further! “You made your choice, Rose. Now, you must leave. I need time to think, to breathe… to decide if I can even look at you the same way again.”

Rose collapsed onto the floor, clutching at my legs.

“I have nowhere to go and no money, Mom! Please, I’m scared!” she pleaded. Standing there, watching her gather her few belongings through tear-blurred eyes, I felt a part of me crumble. Yet, the deceit was too deep, the wound too fresh.

A young woman crying | Source: Pixabay

A young woman crying | Source: Pixabay

Now, sitting alone amidst the chaos of unfinished dreams, I ponder my next steps. The uncertainty of the baby’s paternity looms large, was it even Nathan’s child that Rose was expecting? Should I burden him with this truth?

Was expelling Rose too harsh a decision or the consequence she deserved?

To you, readers of my troubled tale, I turn with a heavy heart: Should I unveil this painful truth to Nathan? Was my decision to protect what remains of our family’s integrity correct? Or am I a mother scorned, acting out of hurt rather than wisdom?

A sad woman holding herself while contemplating something | Source: Pexels

A sad woman holding herself while contemplating something | Source: Pexels

In Ella’s story, she ended up kicking her daughter out for disrespecting her house and all that she and Nathan were doing for her, but in the following story, another parent had to take the same harsh steps. This time, the woman in question put her foot down due to a disrespectful and entitled future daughter-in-law.

Am I Wrong for Kicking My Future Daughter-in-Law Out of My House after She Made Demands over My Jewelry?

Oh, the drama of heirloom rings! Here’s a spicy tale straight from Reddit, featuring engagement woes that would give any soap opera a run for its money!

The story centers on a 48-year-old jewelry-loving mom, who has quite the collection of sparkly treasures, including her prized emerald ring. Her 22-year-old son, all set to marry his lady love, brings home his fiancée for a seemingly innocent dinner.

A man embracing his fiancée | Source: Pexels

A man embracing his fiancée | Source: Pexels

Things take a turn for the tense when the future daughter-in-law, in a private moment, expresses her adoration for the mom’s seldom-worn emerald ring. But it’s not just admiration — she outright asks for the ring as an heirloom engagement gift, on top of the hefty wedding contributions already discussed!

A woman showing off an emerald ring | Source: Unsplash

A woman showing off an emerald ring | Source: Unsplash

Our Reddit poster, clearly taken aback, accuses her potential daughter-in-law of eyeing her estate prematurely, to which the young woman retorts that it’s customary for heirlooms to be handed down during one’s lifetime.

The situation escalates quickly, ending with the daughter-in-law being shown the door, leaving in a huff with her fiancé in tow.

A man consoling an upset woman at the front door | Source: Pexels

A man consoling an upset woman at the front door | Source: Pexels

The son sides with his fiancée, suggesting that giving the ring would have been a warm gesture. Meanwhile, mom is left shocked by her son’s unexpected stance, though her husband and daughter back her up, agreeing that the ring was hers to do with as she pleased.

Now, the family stands divided, the future daughter-in-law is miffed, and mom holds firm to her jewels. What a gem of a story, right? Keep those rings close and the family drama closer, folks!

An upset woman standing by a fridge | Source: Pexels

An upset woman standing by a fridge | Source: Pexels

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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